July 29, 2009


Twitter is, as many have said before me, absolutely amazing. Yes, it allowed Iranians to tell their stories, yes celebrities and pundits have the same 120 characters as @guy2skreww (Whitman would love Twitter in the same way he loved grass). Twitter is most likely the future.

But my favorite part? I love how Twitter allows me to tailor my world. Today I searched for NYRB. I came up with two sets of tweets-- those who are raving about that thoughtful piece on online journalism (or the Chabon article-- what up, behind on your reading!) and those who are reacting to some sort of sporting event (soccer? minor league baseball? I have no idea.). I was able to follow the people who interested me, and now I have two choices. Either I can follow the "public timeline", with its abbreviations and low-riding pants and Miller Lites, or I can switch to "my view". Knopf publishing, NPR, that girl who works at Conde Nast traveler... my timeline wears trousers, is concerned with spelling, and has a polite regard for large domestic beers.

It's like my first iPod, which allowed me to go to large, noisy public places but still feel safe and cradled by the familiar; with my earbuds in, I didn't care what was going on around me. Now Twitter lets me handpick the residents of my Twitter City. Oh how I love turning the egalitarian into the elitist!